TOPlist - Hry





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Ve VIDEO sekci se nachází přes 20 000 článků, které jsou přehledně rozděleny do 14 kategorií. Každý den přibývají do této sekce nové příspěvky. V kategoriích obrázky naleznete obrázkové galerie.

Život tajného syna
Průlomový objev o l
Hvězdy Dva a půl ch

Sekci OBRÁZKY je, jak název napovídá, plná obrázků. Obrázky přidávají jednotliví návštěvníci a systém je rozděluje do jednotlivých kategorií. Nechybí zde Kreslené vtipy či Originální předměty.

Sekce VTIPY nemůže na zábavném serveru jako je chybět. Čeká na Vás přes 15 000 vtipů rozdělených do 37 kategorií. Speciální prostor je také věnován Chucku Norrisovi. Budeme velice rádi, když přidáte i Vy svůj oblíbený vtípek


Osm hobitů

Smrtka v nemocnici

Bílá nevěsta


Mezi námi děvčaty
Sporty, hry a soutěže
Bezdomovci a žebráci

Sekce CITÁTY je velmi rozsáhlá databanka citátů, kde každý den přibývají nové a nové příspěvky od našich návštěvníků. V tuto chvíli obsahuje přes 13 000 citátů od více jak 2 000 autorů tématicky rozdělených do 47 kategorií.

Moudrost myslí i na hráče, máme pro ně sekci HRY, která slouží k odpočinku. Každý týden se koná turnaj ve speciálních hrách, které umí odeslat výsledky. V tuto chvíli na Vás čeká přes 1 750 her rozděleno do 24 kategorií.

3 Card Moe

Ball And Boxes

Angel and Devil

Airport Security
Týdenní turnaj
1. punticek601878
2. Longer1830
3. padavka1813
4. pepca1589
5. tera19501471
Poslední výsledky
5. 11. 2021 m_Leo - Umbrella Trick
5. 11. 2021 m_Leo - Doof Blocks
30. 9. 2021 m_Leo - Bubble Blast 3 - Time Trial Mode
19. 8. 2021 m_Leo - Brilliant Blocks
15. 8. 2021 m_Leo - Cucaracha


Aktivita na webu
Poslední návštěva9.12.2023
Datum registrace3.1.2009
Počet přihlášení13 887
Počet hlasů
Herní statistiky
Počet prvních míst113
Vyhraných turnajů0
Počet TOP3 míst: První místo   113x   
Druhé místo   93x   
Třetí místo   89x
Dosažených bodů 9852 b
Všechna 1. místa
image Krvavý tučnák cup_g.gif punticek60 637.40
image Potrubí 2 cup_g.gif punticek60 49402.00
image Opičí výkop cup_g.gif punticek60 4758.00
image Dobyvatelé Antarktidy cup_g.gif punticek60 60600.00
image Fotbal na poli cup_g.gif punticek60 3951.00
image Volné přímé kopy cup_g.gif punticek60 1000.00
image RedBull letecký den [T3] cup_g.gif punticek60 112.16
image Letecký den na moři cup_g.gif punticek60 112.14
image Home run - baseball cup_g.gif punticek60 550.25
image Penalty cup_g.gif punticek60 55.00
image Hod do výšky 2 cup_g.gif punticek60 31097.00
image Minové pole cup_g.gif punticek60 544454.00
image Ninja cup_g.gif punticek60 17740.00
image Hod karavanem cup_g.gif punticek60 427.37
image Frisbe Fro cup_g.gif punticek60 26843688.00
image HammerTime cup_g.gif punticek60 4221.00
image Extreme Mini Golf cup_g.gif punticek60 17.00
image Grand Roulette cup_g.gif punticek60 50700.00
image Penguin Revenge cup_g.gif punticek60 8531.00
image Power Arrow cup_g.gif punticek60 471.00
image Armed with Wings cup_g.gif punticek60 184.00
image Powerpool cup_g.gif punticek60 399250.00
image Royal Poker cup_g.gif punticek60 173.00
image Dart Shooter cup_g.gif punticek60 976.00
image Christmas Tiles cup_g.gif punticek60 8091.00
image Building Blaster cup_g.gif punticek60 13568.00
image Blosics cup_g.gif punticek60 1630.00
image Olympic Sailing cup_g.gif punticek60 79987.00
image Fragger cup_g.gif punticek60 1433380.00
image Office Roach Toss cup_g.gif punticek60 1080.87
image Dynamite Blast cup_g.gif punticek60 29240.00
image Cooking Show Cheeseburger cup_g.gif punticek60 608.00
image Rollercoaster Roundup cup_g.gif punticek60 222200.00
image Flipped out Orca cup_g.gif punticek60 2971.00
image Cube Crush cup_g.gif punticek60 372340.00
image Tetris Race cup_g.gif punticek60 572000.00
image Eggs Terminator 2 cup_g.gif punticek60 8151.00
image Baseball - Hitem High cup_g.gif punticek60 14119.00
image Tower 100 cup_g.gif punticek60 57.00
image Pool Jam - 5 Minute Game cup_g.gif punticek60 58060.00
image QBeez cup_g.gif punticek60 570188.00
image Firefly Sniper cup_g.gif punticek60 3900.00
image Kamikaze Blocks cup_g.gif punticek60 4355320.00
image Frankenweenie-Difference cup_g.gif punticek60 13220.00
image Future Buddy cup_g.gif punticek60 353010.00
image Image Disorder cup_g.gif punticek60 457.00
image Moon and Sun 2 cup_g.gif punticek60 33728.00
image Flaming Zombooka 3 cup_g.gif punticek60 633900.00
image Doggy Day Care v2 cup_g.gif punticek60 2275.00
image Lemmings cup_g.gif punticek60 19.00
image Scart Jump (Level2) cup_g.gif punticek60 331.88
image SHoots and Ladders cup_g.gif punticek60 8300.00
image Magic Fingers cup_g.gif punticek60 1322.00
image Bloody Pingu cup_g.gif punticek60 12980.00
image Cat Revenge cup_g.gif punticek60 5687.00
image Fort Blaster - Ahoy There cup_g.gif punticek60 610200.00
image Boat Escape 2 cup_g.gif punticek60 14924.00
image Houdini 2 French v32 cup_g.gif punticek60 978.00
image Spaceman Bob`s Great Escape cup_g.gif punticek60 468.00
image Nuclear Reaction cup_g.gif punticek60 9900.00
image My Undead Neighbours 1 cup_g.gif punticek60 96900.00
image Oh Snow cup_g.gif punticek60 67150.00
image New Year Party House HO cup_g.gif punticek60 91000.00
image Chopper Popper cup_g.gif punticek60 2128.00
image Jetpack Mission cup_g.gif punticek60 11800.00
image 13 Phobia cup_g.gif punticek60 9967.00
image Bounzy 2 cup_g.gif punticek60 35131.00
image Cannon Balloon Defense cup_g.gif punticek60 15740.00
image Briptol Timed cup_g.gif punticek60 3910.00
image Connectica Ultra cup_g.gif punticek60 324508.00
image Skulls and Bones cup_g.gif punticek60 22539.00
image Fragger Lost City cup_g.gif punticek60 1142190.00
image Ancient Jewels: Lion Temple cup_g.gif punticek60 355855.00
image Obama Battleship cup_g.gif punticek60 40407.00
image Grisu der kleine Drache cup_g.gif punticek60 2650.00
image Wisdom vs Zombies cup_g.gif punticek60 4855.00
image NumberSign v2 cup_g.gif punticek60 8911.00
image Water Mania cup_g.gif punticek60 88300.00
image Penguin Kissing cup_g.gif punticek60 24700.00
image Rabbit Rustler cup_g.gif punticek60 321130.00
image Gibbets 4 cup_g.gif punticek60 183990.00
image 247 Mini Golf cup_g.gif punticek60 205981.00
image Fish Flight cup_g.gif punticek60 112.20
image Gembala cup_g.gif punticek60 39430.00
image Frozen cup_g.gif punticek60 19220.00
image Ice Castle Blaster cup_g.gif punticek60 7490.00
image 110 Meters Hurdles cup_g.gif punticek60 99.98
image Crazy Rabbit Bowling cup_g.gif punticek60 1170.00
image Koffii Bowling Alley cup_g.gif punticek60 251000.00
image Lawinen Surfer cup_g.gif punticek60 51452.00
image Free Kicker cup_g.gif punticek60 664.00
image Ball And Boxes cup_g.gif punticek60 136000.00
image Beer Golf v2 cup_g.gif punticek60 997.00
image Beijing 2008 Diving cup_g.gif punticek60 5120.00
image Big Joes Homerun cup_g.gif punticek60 16948.00
image Boat Blow cup_g.gif punticek60 402.00
image Bowling Alley cup_g.gif punticek60 251000.00
image Bowling Mania cup_g.gif punticek60 868.00
image Fantacy Cricket cup_g.gif punticek60 354.00
image Free Kick cup_g.gif punticek60 1110.00
image Free Kicker cup_g.gif punticek60 664.00
image Freekick Football cup_g.gif punticek60 13.00
image Koffii Bowling Alley cup_g.gif punticek60 262000.00
image Gravitee 2 cup_g.gif punticek60 9667272.00
image Blockpolis cup_g.gif punticek60 2781.00
image Baseball cup_g.gif punticek60 40649.00
image 3 Finder - Kugeln cup_g.gif punticek60 14900.00
image Gravitee 2 cup_g.gif punticek60 9686059.00
image Free Kick cup_g.gif punticek60 950.00
image Free Kick Fusion cup_g.gif punticek60 6060.00
image Free Kicker cup_g.gif punticek60 669.00
image Freekick Football cup_g.gif punticek60 12.00
image Freekick Mania Fifa cup_g.gif punticek60 468400.00
Všechna 2. místa
image Doba Ledová 2 punticek60 331.08
image Minigolf punticek60 210031.00
image Parkovací zóny punticek60 11280.00
image Hod jablkem [T1] punticek60 314200.00
image Minigolf 2 punticek60 31.00
image Kolo štěstí punticek60 2512500.00
image Sněhová fréza punticek60 439.00
image Včely punticek60 13800.00
image Sbírej je něco punticek60 9994.00
image Zavazadla na letišti punticek60 13961.00
image Kanón 2 punticek60 132000.00
image Vlez do dveří punticek60 112752.00
image String Avoider 2 punticek60 8700.00
image Tom a Jerry In Refriger-Raiders punticek60 46500.00
image Impulse JS punticek60 12566.00
image Smile Infection punticek60 44340.00
image Billiard gold rush punticek60 12792.00
image Figure Skating punticek60 4120.00
image Click Maze 2 punticek60 7680.00
image Eggy Easter punticek60 1931.00
image Sketch A Match - Easter Eggs punticek60 8720.00
image Island Mini-Golf punticek60 22.00
image Aero Chaos punticek60 487300.00
image Bang adventure punticek60 5639.00
image Pool Jam - 10 Minute Game punticek60 116600.00
image Super Mario Brothers 2 punticek60 32.00
image Jumping Caveman punticek60 2275.00
image Mate Master 2 punticek60 2070.00
image Ice Age - Scrat Jump punticek60 261.63
image Power Driver punticek60 420.68
image Chica Chase punticek60 7266.00
image Click Clack punticek60 75840.00
image Avalanche Run punticek60 49500.00
image Sparks Recharged punticek60 1800.00
image Mr Piggy punticek60 136700.00
image Pac Adventure Draculas Castle punticek60 78500.00
image Dick Quick`s Island Adventure punticek60 46.00
image Collapse it 2 punticek60 139200.00
image Mardi Gras Mayhem punticek60 44265.43
image Rapid Reaction Master punticek60 630248.00
image Ben 10 Motocross 2 punticek60 69300.00
image PSY Darts punticek60 4400.00
image Hidden Master 3 punticek60 18623.00
image Release the Mooks 3 punticek60 8427.00
image Lock Out - Find the Numbers punticek60 2666.00
image Match Remove Players Pack punticek60 37161.00
image Angry Animals punticek60 1491800.00
image Hidden Hills punticek60 17456.00
image Ice Breaker Solitaire punticek60 5700.00
image Chick Flick punticek60 13200.00
image Fruit Fall punticek60 22280.00
image Horse punticek60 43.00
image Birds Defenders punticek60 28897.00
image Mayan Mahjong punticek60 106750.00
image Justice League - Green Arrow punticek60 199750.00
image Brainless Zombie punticek60 1830.00
image Castle Fire punticek60 12613.00
image Swapster punticek60 37117.00
image Super Mario 63 punticek60 263.00
image Alex In Danger punticek60 16600.00
image Ice Hockey Chalenge punticek60 23.00
image Vintage Carbon 2 punticek60 254185.00
image Reach The Prison punticek60 11716.00
image Line Parking punticek60 23284.00
image Lemic Zone punticek60 15429.00
image Angry Birds punticek60 789089.00
image Hide the Fart punticek60 36510.00
image Derailed punticek60 200149.00
image Basketball Championship 2012 punticek60 60000.00
image 100 Meter Dash punticek60 99.98
image Active Golf punticek60 11.00
image 100 Meter Dash punticek60 99.98
image Active Golf punticek60 10.00
image 100 Meter Dash punticek60 99.94
image Active Golf punticek60 12.00
image Active Golf punticek60 9.00
image Avid Bowler punticek60 175.00
image Battleball punticek60 7920.00
image Beach Blaze punticek60 2770.00
image Beach Tennis punticek60 21.00
image Beater Tryouts punticek60 26900.00
image Big Jump punticek60 827.00
image Bowling Pat punticek60 10850.00
image DownHill Jumps punticek60 35518.00
image Driving Range punticek60 273.84
image Driving Range v2 punticek60 273.71
image Crazy Rabbit Bowling punticek60 1180.00
image Hoops Mania punticek60 143.00
image Free Kick punticek60 920.00
image Gowling punticek60 117.00
image Avid Bowler punticek60 175.00
image 3 Finder - Kugeln punticek60 14700.00
Všechna 3. místa
image Střílení kachen cup_b.gif punticek60 2371500.00
image Delfín cup_b.gif punticek60 93849.00
image Hraboš [T1] cup_b.gif punticek60 275000.00
image Skoky - odhad cup_b.gif punticek60 13076.00
image Hrad cup_b.gif punticek60 89655.00
image Golfový odpal cup_b.gif punticek60 416.60
image Spoj 4 cup_b.gif punticek60 16220.00
image Age Of War cup_b.gif punticek60 25280774.00
image Squirrel Family Polar Jump cup_b.gif punticek60 2856.00
image 4 in Reihe cup_b.gif punticek60 690.00
image Ricochet Kills cup_b.gif punticek60 28230.00
image Bash The Haggis cup_b.gif punticek60 923.00
image Super Crossbow cup_b.gif punticek60 943.00
image Monkey Nut cup_b.gif punticek60 7150.00
image Wedgie Toss 2 cup_b.gif punticek60 1318.00
image Add It Up cup_b.gif punticek60 27241.00
image Can Shooter cup_b.gif punticek60 1113.00
image Bowling cup_b.gif punticek60 212.00
image Super Mario Brothers 2 cup_b.gif punticek60 32.00
image Farmyard Flight cup_b.gif punticek60 25248.00
image Jukebox Hero cup_b.gif punticek60 21710550.00
image Perry the Perv v2 cup_b.gif punticek60 29100.00
image Kitten Cannon cup_b.gif punticek60 2476.00
image Lawinen Surfer cup_b.gif punticek60 50991.00
image Cunning Stunt cup_b.gif punticek60 2938.87
image Bring It On! cup_b.gif punticek60 24767.00
image Harry Potter Galleon cup_b.gif punticek60 94940.00
image Attack of the Fever Heads cup_b.gif punticek60 732000.00
image Kings Game 2: Warlocks cup_b.gif punticek60 787950.00
image Pokemon Spin & Set cup_b.gif punticek60 12160.00
image Eat cup_b.gif punticek60 25.00
image Maze Game cup_b.gif punticek60 504.00
image Balldodge cup_b.gif punticek60 1530.00
image Moto Bike Mania cup_b.gif punticek60 83600.00
image Ninja-Boy cup_b.gif punticek60 30.00
image Garfield Food cup_b.gif punticek60 38.00
image Hell On Duty cup_b.gif punticek60 106550.00
image Hidden Hills cup_b.gif punticek60 17388.00
image House End of the Street - Find The Alpha cup_b.gif punticek60 2764.00
image Jack The Giant Slayer - FTA cup_b.gif punticek60 2768.00
image Sonic VS Dogs cup_b.gif punticek60 2800.00
image Rocket Bob cup_b.gif punticek60 5715.00
image Fire Engine Drive cup_b.gif punticek60 54641.00
image Crazy Stunts cup_b.gif punticek60 3000.00
image Dwarf Coins cup_b.gif punticek60 44182.00
image Sugar Tales cup_b.gif punticek60 2076900.00
image Mustache Warrior cup_b.gif punticek60 3790.00
image Pig Run cup_b.gif punticek60 85794.00
image Hid Obj-Luxury Salon cup_b.gif punticek60 19850.00
image Airport cup_b.gif punticek60 13961.00
image 3D Bowling cup_b.gif punticek60 604.00
image 8 Ball Champion cup_b.gif punticek60 9350.00
image Free Kick cup_b.gif punticek60 940.00
image Aerial Mahjong cup_b.gif punticek60 419530.00
image Fly Free cup_b.gif punticek60 3641.00
image Cowspuzzle cup_b.gif punticek60 11130.00
image Fruit Implosion cup_b.gif punticek60 8277.00
image collapse 2 Min. cup_b.gif punticek60 4101.00
image Collapse cup_b.gif punticek60 4711.00
image Ice Challenge cup_b.gif punticek60 53400.00
image 110m Hurdles cup_b.gif punticek60 1000.00
image 20000 Feet And Falling cup_b.gif punticek60 100480.00
image 3 Point Shootout cup_b.gif punticek60 4470.00
image A Game of Three Halves cup_b.gif punticek60 162903.00
image Gabriel Revenge v2 cup_b.gif punticek60 2450.00
image Bowling Master cup_b.gif punticek60 214.00
image Gowling cup_b.gif punticek60 113.00
image Grab-A-Snack Hurdles cup_b.gif punticek60 4627.80
image Free Kick cup_b.gif punticek60 920.00
image Free Kick Champ cup_b.gif punticek60 2500.00
image Freekick Mania Fifa cup_b.gif punticek60 441250.00
image Badger Racing cup_b.gif punticek60 200060.00
image Battling Conkers cup_b.gif punticek60 432000.00
image Beer Golf cup_b.gif punticek60 169.00
image Bodyline cup_b.gif punticek60 2829.00
image Bowling Mania cup_b.gif punticek60 812.00
image Bowling Master cup_b.gif punticek60 226.00
image Brown Cow Curling cup_b.gif punticek60 260.00
image Brown Cow Curling v32 cup_b.gif punticek60 260.00
image Dumbolf v32 cup_b.gif punticek60 56356.00
image Elastic Soccer cup_b.gif punticek60 400.00
image Everyones Hero cup_b.gif punticek60 25530.00
image Crazy Rabbit Bowling cup_b.gif punticek60 1165.00
image Kings Swim cup_b.gif punticek60 29360.00
image Final Test cup_b.gif punticek60 96.00
image GolfMan Xtreme Insane v2 cup_b.gif punticek60 17400.00
image Gowling cup_b.gif punticek60 113.00
image Gravitee Golf cup_b.gif punticek60 15219.00
image Baseball - Easy cup_b.gif punticek60 1850.00
image 12 Many cup_b.gif punticek60 260.00
image Babe Ball cup_b.gif punticek60 5413.00

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