TOPlist - Hry





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Ve VIDEO sekci se nachází přes 20 000 článků, které jsou přehledně rozděleny do 14 kategorií. Každý den přibývají do této sekce nové příspěvky. V kategoriích obrázky naleznete obrázkové galerie.

Život tajného syna
Průlomový objev o l
Hvězdy Dva a půl ch

Sekci OBRÁZKY je, jak název napovídá, plná obrázků. Obrázky přidávají jednotliví návštěvníci a systém je rozděluje do jednotlivých kategorií. Nechybí zde Kreslené vtipy či Originální předměty.

Sekce VTIPY nemůže na zábavném serveru jako je chybět. Čeká na Vás přes 15 000 vtipů rozdělených do 37 kategorií. Speciální prostor je také věnován Chucku Norrisovi. Budeme velice rádi, když přidáte i Vy svůj oblíbený vtípek


Osm hobitů

Smrtka v nemocnici

Bílá nevěsta


Mezi námi děvčaty
Sporty, hry a soutěže
Bezdomovci a žebráci

Sekce CITÁTY je velmi rozsáhlá databanka citátů, kde každý den přibývají nové a nové příspěvky od našich návštěvníků. V tuto chvíli obsahuje přes 13 000 citátů od více jak 2 000 autorů tématicky rozdělených do 47 kategorií.

Moudrost myslí i na hráče, máme pro ně sekci HRY, která slouží k odpočinku. Každý týden se koná turnaj ve speciálních hrách, které umí odeslat výsledky. V tuto chvíli na Vás čeká přes 1 750 her rozděleno do 24 kategorií.

3 Card Moe

Ball And Boxes

Angel and Devil

Airport Security
Týdenní turnaj
1. punticek601878
2. Longer1830
3. padavka1813
4. pepca1589
5. tera19501471
Poslední výsledky
5. 11. 2021 m_Leo - Umbrella Trick
5. 11. 2021 m_Leo - Doof Blocks
30. 9. 2021 m_Leo - Bubble Blast 3 - Time Trial Mode
19. 8. 2021 m_Leo - Brilliant Blocks
15. 8. 2021 m_Leo - Cucaracha


Aktivita na webu
Poslední návštěva27.12.2020
Datum registrace18.3.2009
Počet přihlášení6 258
Počet hlasů
Herní statistiky
Počet prvních míst45
Vyhraných turnajů0
Počet TOP3 míst: První místo   45x   
Druhé místo   59x   
Třetí místo   62x
Dosažených bodů 6626 b
Všechna 1. místa
image Bubliny [T2] cup_g.gif Longer 566170.00
image Udržte míč ve vzduchu cup_g.gif Longer 226.00
image Včely cup_g.gif Longer 13900.00
image Turbo Mahjongg cup_g.gif Longer 70876.00
image A Windy Day cup_g.gif Longer 1998000.00
image Tiles Away cup_g.gif Longer 304500.00
image Tile Buster cup_g.gif Longer 294400.00
image Eggomania cup_g.gif Longer 41.00
image Diamon Valley II cup_g.gif Longer 97225.00
image Halloween Hide Slow cup_g.gif Longer 14438.00
image Throw Me cup_g.gif Longer 1012167.00
image Paper Boy cup_g.gif Longer 1074.00
image Flying Platypus cup_g.gif Longer 153385.00
image Garage Door Tennis cup_g.gif Longer 54.00
image Round the World cup_g.gif Longer 121698.00
image Avalanche Run cup_g.gif Longer 50860.00
image Mahjong Garden cup_g.gif Longer 15510.00
image Code Breaker cup_g.gif Longer 1693100.00
image Air Disc cup_g.gif Longer 23240.00
image Lucky Eights cup_g.gif Longer 2029.00
image Ancient Tomb cup_g.gif Longer 101857.00
image Smash Palace cup_g.gif Longer 3292378.00
image Gangnam Go Go Go cup_g.gif Longer 7162.00
image Totem Balls cup_g.gif Longer 2364730.00
image Cat God vs Sun King 2 cup_g.gif Longer 28276.00
image Pattern Difference cup_g.gif Longer 15280.00
image Drunk Klunk cup_g.gif Longer 194033.00
image Speed Breakers Deluxe cup_g.gif Longer 120920.00
image Marble Roll cup_g.gif Longer 30200.00
image Sugar Tales cup_g.gif Longer 2137750.00
image Hid Obj-Luxury Salon cup_g.gif Longer 19870.00
image Ball And Boxes cup_g.gif Longer 202000.00
image 1 More Balloon cup_g.gif Longer 23156.00
image Garage Door Tennis cup_g.gif Longer 54.00
image How long is your poo cup_g.gif Longer 80.00
image Blitz Bots cup_g.gif Longer 292.00
image Brendans Soccer cup_g.gif Longer 3038.00
image Dribble Worldcup cup_g.gif Longer 104.00
image Driving Mad cup_g.gif Longer 104030.00
image Garage Door Tennis cup_g.gif Longer 45.00
image B-Ball Shootout cup_g.gif Longer 94.00
image 12 Many cup_g.gif Longer 272.00
image Ball And Boxes cup_g.gif Longer 115000.00
image Garage Door Tennis cup_g.gif Longer 47.00
image Ball And Boxes cup_g.gif Longer 111000.00
Všechna 2. místa
image Tref odpadkový koš Longer 187620.00
image Mahjong - New York - Chicago Longer 24580.00
image Fandango Mahjongg! Longer 10529.00
image Doof Blocks Longer 96400.00
image Fly Me To The Moon Longer 450000.00
image Manole 2 Longer 298690.00
image Bot Swap Longer 17840.00
image Magic Egg Longer 1910.00
image Dangerous Highway Giant Truck Longer 827.00
image Winter Longer 72.00
image Terrolympics 2 Longer 3060.00
image Balloon Shoot Longer 22021.00
image Kitten Cannon Longer 2625.00
image Lawinen Surfer Longer 64353.00
image Springfield Snow Fight Longer 477.00
image Everyone`s Hero Mahjong Longer 21959.00
image Helicopter Longer 1100.00
image Shit Sweeper Longer 2088000.00
image Canyon Glider Longer 13973.00
image Driving Mad Longer 153366.00
image Puck Pong Longer 118.00
image 7up Pinball Longer 52939100.00
image Emergency Longer 480.00
image Downhill Joe Longer 15800.00
image Drakojan skies Longer 8790.00
image House End of the Street - Find The Alpha Longer 2765.00
image Titok Pahlawan Kebersihan Longer 20900.00
image Basketball-3D Net Blazer Longer 29.00
image Jack The Giant Slayer - FTA Longer 2768.00
image Briptol Timed Longer 3560.00
image Atlantis Squarepantis Bus Run Longer 54300.00
image Dwarf Coins Longer 44200.00
image Elite Shooter Medium Longer 5872.00
image Sugar Tales Longer 2116550.00
image STD Warrior Girls Longer 6480.00
image Blocks Mania Longer 54802.00
image Colors In the Sky - Easy Longer 2043638.00
image Flashpipes Longer 51341.00
image AntBuster v1.2b Longer 23764.00
image AntBuster v1.2b V32 Longer 22883.00
image Bananageddon Longer 158320.00
image Colinks :Drop Longer 582.00
image Farm TD Longer 20616179.50
image 20 Sekunden Golf Challenge Longer 20925.22
image Flash Circle Tower Defense Longer 2091.00
image Goulds TD Longer 125136.00
image Farm TD Longer 20145949.50
image Defend Your Keg Longer 71200.00
image Fratboy Girlfriend Defense Longer 58460.00
image 20 Sekunden Golf Challenge Longer 20133.73
image Brendans Soccer Longer 1988.00
image 10 Bullets Longer 487.00
image B-Ball Shoot-Out Longer 334.00
image Kill Stick Figures Longer 4760.00
image 007 Everything or Nothing Longer 11950.00
image Galactic Gravity Golf Delux Longer 56339806.61
image Garage Door Tennis Longer 40.00
image 12 Many Longer 284.00
Všechna 3. místa
image Zpoždění cup_b.gif Longer 22700.00
image Zabíjení hmyzu cup_b.gif Longer 866.00
image Nůž a ruka cup_b.gif Longer 4.50
image Asteroidy cup_b.gif Longer 38160.00
image Buď nenápadný cup_b.gif Longer 11040.00
image Mahjongg Alchemy cup_b.gif Longer 35876.00
image Christmas Tiles cup_b.gif Longer 8087.00
image Blosics cup_b.gif Longer 1569.00
image Pyramid Solitaire cup_b.gif Longer 5535.00
image Maths Mania cup_b.gif Longer 9232.00
image Air disc cup_b.gif Longer 27290.00
image Bobulous cup_b.gif Longer 519160.00
image Target trail cup_b.gif Longer 5900.00
image 4th of July Game cup_b.gif Longer 176139.00
image Mini Kickups cup_b.gif Longer 103.00
image 1 More Balloon cup_b.gif Longer 23555.00
image Jumping Troll cup_b.gif Longer 30066.00
image Ice Age - Scrat Jump cup_b.gif Longer 260.60
image Monkey Cliff Diving cup_b.gif Longer 18610.00
image Bar Sliding cup_b.gif Longer 599.00
image Chopper Dodge cup_b.gif Longer 27265.00
image 30k Starfighter cup_b.gif Longer 57274400.00
image Backyards Buzzing cup_b.gif Longer 33108.00
image Bouncy n Bob cup_b.gif Longer 1183.00
image Paper Shot 2 cup_b.gif Longer 4070.00
image Breakout 360 cup_b.gif Longer 3910.00
image Green Room Hid Obj cup_b.gif Longer 90400.00
image Lock Out - Find the Numbers cup_b.gif Longer 2665.00
image Beijing 2008 Olympics cup_b.gif Longer 17860.00
image Franky The Fish cup_b.gif Longer 36589.00
image Burgers N Bombs cup_b.gif Longer 9280.00
image Turanium cup_b.gif Longer 1992656.00
image Blam! Blam! cup_b.gif Longer 737541.00
image Coin Stack 120 Seconds cup_b.gif Longer 13240.00
image Swimming Pool Escape cup_b.gif Longer 90909.00
image Justice League - Green Arrow cup_b.gif Longer 189000.00
image Kubes cup_b.gif Longer 301535.00
image Robin Hood Mission cup_b.gif Longer 10447.00
image Wire Chick cup_b.gif Longer 80600.00
image Basketball cup_b.gif Longer 46.00
image 5 Tower Defence cup_b.gif Longer 149.00
image Bitmap Turret Defence cup_b.gif Longer 22970763.00
image Bloons Tower Defense cup_b.gif Longer 359917.00
image 20 Sekunden Golf Challenge cup_b.gif Longer 21617.00
image Canyon Defence cup_b.gif Longer 188112.00
image Fratboy Girlfriend Tower Defense cup_b.gif Longer 54510.00
image Castle Defender cup_b.gif Longer 2871.00
image Fratboy Girlfriend Tower Defense cup_b.gif Longer 55960.00
image Goulds TD cup_b.gif Longer 132849.00
image Fratboy Girlfriend Tower Defense cup_b.gif Longer 79360.00
image Frontline Defense - Easy cup_b.gif Longer 2555725.00
image Fujitsu Defender cup_b.gif Longer 655023.00
image Goulds TD cup_b.gif Longer 130028.00
image Bloons Tower Defense cup_b.gif Longer 359413.00
image Fratboy Girlfriend Tower Defense cup_b.gif Longer 73860.00
image Hot Shots cup_b.gif Longer 4652.00
image Garage Door Tennis cup_b.gif Longer 9.00
image B-Ball Shootout cup_b.gif Longer 86.00
image Garage Door Tennis cup_b.gif Longer 44.00
image Garage Door Tennis cup_b.gif Longer 13.00
image Garage Door Tennis cup_b.gif Longer 44.00
image Frog Squash cup_b.gif Longer 4775.00
image B-Ball Shootout cup_b.gif Longer 84.00
image Ami Yumi Dish It Out cup_b.gif Longer 220500.00

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